iScreenShots is a tool can let you check a websites history screenshots.
You can browse through sites to see how they look "now" compared to how they looked "then".
How it works?
We have a team of people who thrive on creating interesting collections of data and content and making it available to like-minded individuals.
We have over 250 Million current and historic images of websites. When our systems notice a significant change on a website home page, we take a snapshot and archive it for later reference. Our technique is different than most archive services that only capture the web page code and often miss external resources like ads and images. The screenshot you see on our site is exactly what a visitor would see when they came to the site.
* Over 250 Million current and historic images of websites on our server side.
* Universal app, both supported for iPhone/iPod touch and iPad.
* Retina display both supported for iPhone/iPod touch and iPad.